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Our Research

We are at the cusp of a global revolution in food production systems. Climate change, a growing global population, consumer dietary shifts, biodiversity loss, and unstable consumer trust are key drivers of this change.

The sustainability of the Northern Irish agri-food systems will require a fresh transitional approach where key organisations such as Queen’s and AFBI need to pool resources to guide and support those working to reduce emissions, increase sustainability, protect biodiversity, and improve local and global nutrition. Most recently the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of resilient food systems and the links between health, ecosystems, supply chains, consumption patterns and planetary boundaries.

With a wealth of experience in the fields of research and education aligned with agriculture, the environment and the food system, the Alliance has the skills and resources required to positively impact a wide range of stakeholders as well as society at large.

Pressures placed upon natural resources and our environment because of the need for greater food production have led to a need for innovative and cost-effective solutions. These solutions will be reliant upon a combined approach to research – harnessing the power of technological advances.

Through the Alliance, Queen’s and AFBI will combine their key research and innovation strengths in data and digital analytics, environmental science, animal and crop production, food safety, food processing, product development, policy and economics to develop innovations resulting from inter-disciplinary synergies.

The Alliance's Science Group will focus their resources on the following core areas of research: Agri-Food Systems and Environmental Resource Management. These areas of study will be underpinned and informed using data and enabling technologies. 

Agri-Food Systems

Led by Prof Sharon Huws (Queen's) and Prof Steven Morrison (AFBI) with support from Prof Eric Morgan (Queen's), Dr Simon Doherty (Queen's), and Prof Ilias Kyrizakis (Alliance) this research cluster focuses on the following research areas:

  • Livestock Production
  • Animal Health
  • Animal Welfare

Alongside AFBI and Queen's colleagues cluster members also contribute to research relating to Food Safety & Quality and Food for Health.

As many Alliiance researchers work on interdisciplinary projects its members have expertise and experience in the areas of Carbon Net Zero/Climate change, Plant/Soil Science, Marine Science and Parasitology.

Major projects within this research area include:

ERA-GAS RumenPredict 



Food Futures




To find out more about the Agri-Food Systems Cluster please contact the Alliance's Project Manager.

Prof Sharon Huws discusses key research projects delivered by the Agri-Food Systems Cluster

Prof Steven Morrison outlines the challenges addressed by f the Agri-Food Systems Cluster 

Environmental Resource Management

Led by Prof Mark Emmerson (Queen's) and colleagues from AFBI this research cluster focuses on the following areas of research:

  • Circular Bioeconomy
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Marine and Coastal Science
  • Biodiversity

As many Alliance researchers work on interdisciplinary projects its members have expertise and experience in the areas of Carbon Net Zero/Climate change, Plant/Soil Science, Marine Science and Parasitology. Several researchers within the Cluster are members of CASE

To find out more about the Environmental Resource Management Cluster please contact the Alliance's Project Manager.